Three Children Died After Drowning In A Pond In Dhanusa - Laxman Baral Blog
Three Children Died After Drowning In A Pond In DhanusaThree Children Died After Drowning In A Pond In Dhanusa

Three Children Died After Drowning In A Pond In Dhanusa Police Inspector Sonukumar Sah of Area Police Office Sakhuwa Mahendranagar informed that three children drowned in a pond in Laxminia Rural Municipality-7 of Dhanusha on Wednesday evening.

He said that among the deceased are Aditya Kumar Sah, approximately 10 years old, Ayush Sah, approximately 8 years old, and Sushant Sah, approximately 14 years old.

According to him, they had come to their relative grandfather Mahavir Sah’s house to have a feast. On Wednesday, there was an annual feast at Mahavir Sah’s house. Police Inspector Sah said that the children who drowned were the eldest sons of Mahavir Sah’s three daughters.


The incident happened around 7:30 in the evening. The bodies of all three children have been kept at the Provincial Hospital Janakpur for post-mortem.

Ward president Ganga Sah informed them that they may have drowned when they were going to swim in the pond while everyone was busy with the feast. The police said that the incident is being investigated.  

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