Nagpuja At Nagdah In Bhaktapur Nag Panchami, which is celebrated every year on Shravan Shukla Panchami, is being celebrated today by worshiping the snake according to tradition. On the occasion of Nagpanchami, there is a tradition of worshiping at Nagdah, Rajasthan, etc.
According to this custom, devotees also flock to Nagdah in Bhaktapur, Kathmandu. Devotees offer flowers, Akshata, and milk to the picture or idol of the snake and worship it. They also hang a picture of a snake on the main door of the house. It is religiously believed that by doing this, creatures such as snakes, snakes, and scorpions will not cause harm and also avoid the fear of fire, clouds, and lightning.
With this belief, every year there is a throng of worshipers at Nagdah in Bhaktapur, Nagpokhari, and Toudah in Kathmandu.