National Constitution Day Nepal 2080 - Laxman Baral Blog
National Constitution Day Nepal 2080National Constitution Day Nepal 2080

National Constitution Day Nepal 2080 was held on Ashoj’s 3rd of every year. This day the nepal will be another constitution day will be change in Nepal. For the first time in the history of the country, the 65-year aspiration of the people to make a constitution through the elected representatives of the people has come true. This was on the 2072 BS Asoj 3, Nepal’s first President Ram Baran Yadav signed and approved the “Constitution of Nepal 2072”.

Efforts in developing the constitution

After the first Constituent Assembly failed to give a successful draft of the constitution within the stipulated time, the election of the second Constituent Assembly and its consequent effect played a big role in the proclamation of the Constitution of Nepal 2072 BS.

Highlights of Constitution

Federal Republic of Nepal’s Constitution 2072 ends all forms of discrimination and oppression created by feudal, autocratic, centralized, and unitary state systems; Preserving and promoting unity, socio-cultural solidarity, tolerance, and harmony among diversity.

Constitution Day 2080 B.S

The Federal Affairs Division of the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration has issued a correspondence citing the meeting of the Council of Ministers held on 17th Bhadra 2080 B.S. regarding the celebration of Constitution Day.

Under this day people will be made right to have justice and freedom in Nepal. Some fo political parties will make an agreement with each under this day. Even the whole of Nepal will be bringing another constitution day will be celebrate in Nepal. 


I hope the people will be made to remember that this day will be celebrated with National Constitution Day Nepal held under this day. All of the people will celebrate with different speeches to reach out on this day. Even the people will fight against freedom and peaceful aginst in Nepal under this day. There is a lot of accident that happen out people will be able to face them. 

Once happy National Constitution Day Nepal 2080 To all Nepali friends and family to all. Let’s share this post and mention our worldwide people also. 

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