When is Dashain celebrated in Nepal 2080 on the date 2080, between October 15 and October 24, 2023, or Ashoj 28 and Kartik 7, 2080? During these 15 days, the Dashain will be celebrated in Nepal in 2080. During this Dashain, people will be met with relatives and have fun on different platforms. Enjoy it a lot there.
There are a lot of festivals and offers that will be running under this Dashain festival. I think Dashain will be held during the Kartik month period due to some effects that will happen in Shrawan month.
A lot of people will be returning during the Dashain month. Even the people will come to Nepal to enjoy their own family members with each other there. Foreign countries people will come to their own home town to enjoy the Dashain with their mother and father.
Some Nepalis will leave their own foreign country to miss their own mother and father to celebrate with them. But after a long time, they will come back to their own home.