Dim Light happen into the Pokhara Valley today because there is not coming a powerful way to use them there. But when I open the router over there. There is no connection to see light into there. Dim light will be made less amount of light showing into there. Even I have been checking the yellow bulb to check this status to move on it. Even the distribution NEA office people will be announced their news feed to update this notice from there.
What happens under your light to face out there. Since we have to get this trouble to shot a video and shot work into the pc and another purpose to do. Dim light will be coming in the evening time in Pokhara. Even the whole day it will be make cut off the light within 6 hours they have done this one. After 6 hours the light will become good and nice to see there.
After a few minutes, it will be making this happen under this one to check there. You might check it out this light into the home see there. Even we have been working under this issue. Due to Nepal government will be handle to check I it out the immediate way to working over there. But always will be happening over this face will do this one.
Even I am Youtuber to checks to upload a video and trying to see a website to write a post over there. Even we have been checking it out this caved to see there. When I got this troubleshot to check there. I will be made feels bored without any light it will happen to see this one. Even there is light in a home it will be fine to stay over there. If not light I will be made feels bored it.
Even I will be called NEA office to check to call with them a phone to listen out this case to share there. He will give me explain the way to teach with us there. Then whole it will be repeated those things will be doing this one. Our government will check it out the immediate way to do work over there. Hope they will do working with them there.
Dim Light happens into the Pokhara Valley hope you might check with the red color to see a voltage to showing the high way to see there. Even they will be doing things overworking over this one. I am unable to share articles over there. Unable to mention them under the YouTube and website blog to update there.