Himalaya Roadies Season 5 Started Date it held on Shrawan 15, 2080 (July 31, 2023) in Every Monday at 8 PM Nepali Time. The first episode will be held there on Monday Date Timeline. Here Season 5 we had been seeing change happen under the judge’s name. The judges’ names are Anoop Bikram Shahi, Priyanka Karki, Ashish Rana, and Deeya Maskey. Tv Host personality Suraj Singh Thakuri will replace Raymon Das Shrestha as the host of the show this season onwards.
This shows will be running on the Himalayan Tv Channel of Nepali Tv. Every Monday this show will be running there. After a long time, this shows season 5 will be back again there. Under this season 5, there are two more judges will be added under this season.
Previous seasons and new seasons were different changes happen to see there. Under this Himalaya Roadies Season 5 we had been seen tasks and team work were happen will be changed there. All tasks and teams were located all over the Nepal side. They are working together with gang leaders to manage to hold their tasks complete. Even the host will be made the challenging task with four leader gang teams will do it.
I hope this season was make excited and more interesting than we had been seeing over there. I hope the four leaders will make choose their own talented contestants to follow up on them. All Nepali were much more excited to watch this episode to do.
I think this Himalaya Roadies Season 5 were much more exciting to worriers to look forward to seeing different location chosen from there. They had been already collecting the digital round and physical round in different parts of place in Nepal. Now it will be coming on National Tv this show must be running out live from own home as well as on social media platforms to look at all episodes over there.