Police arrested him for not following the injunction in Pokhara Pedestrians at Prithvi Chowk in Pokhara on Wednesday morning. Many of them complained that they had been working and were being harassed by the police on their way to work. After some time, they have been released. Even these people didn’t follow the government rule to doing with people will doing there. Even the people will make some video click to mention share over there.
Even the police will be struck to follow this lockdown effect into our place of pokahra. While the people will be walking in the road they will be asked where are going for he/she will be replied we have made some work happening over to visit the hospital over there. Even the police arrested him for not following the injunction in Pokhara today whole people will make distance over each other them there.
I also say my house, but here I have only done my thing, but I do not know that it has done so. Not only by doing our own thing, but we are also living in our own house at such a time. To stop this we have to settle down at home. And do your homework. And if the work is done, you have to go, otherwise, you will not go. But even people have people they know. Other people have said in the video. There are other people who are sick, how can they pay for it, but why have they treated the people like this in Pokhara today?
It’s okay to do things for people, but most people do things their own way. People who don’t work are also seen hitting on the road. And the Hitachi people have also slept with Police. We have been allowed to go, but we have to say that Poliche is here for us. This is the time to work from home.