Delete Or Deactivate Facebook If you are thinking of leaving Facebook, then it is important to know the difference between deleting and deactivating your account. Both of these options will help you stay away from Facebook.
However, which option to choose depends on your needs. So today we are telling you about the difference between deactivating and deleting your Facebook account.
Key Differences Between Account Deactivation and Account Deactivation
The meaning and difference between these two terms are related to what happens to your data after you deactivate or delete your account and whether your decision can be reversed or not. Here are the key things you need to know about these two terms.
Account Access
Account Deactivation means temporarily disabling your account. If you deactivate your Facebook account today and want to use it after a year, that feature will be available to you.
Your data in that account is also saved in it. Once you deactivate your account, you can reactivate it as before at any time you want.
On the other hand, deleting an account is a permanent decision. Once you delete your account, your data and account are gone forever.
That is, even if you say you will open the account after a year when you deactivate it, you will get it. However, if you activate the account within 30 days after deleting it, your Facebook account and the data in it will be saved. Otherwise, the account will be deleted forever. After 30 days, such data cannot be brought back even if you want.
Messenger access
There are various reasons behind planning to stay away from Facebook. Some may not like the content that comes on Facebook. Some may try to stay away from it, considering it an unnecessary waste of time. What to do if you don’t feel like using Facebook, but also don’t want to reduce the proximity to the people connected to it?
Data Access
No matter what you do to delete or deactivate your account, Facebook hides your account. This means that other users cannot see the posts, photos, and content you have shared. That is, others cannot interact with you.
However, if you deactivate and reactivate your Facebook account, Facebook will show your profile. The content you previously shared will start appearing as before.
If you want to go back to the previous state, Facebook will make your data and content available on the platform as it was. However, remember that if you delete your account, your account is gone forever.
It does not mean that all data is lost in an instant. As mentioned above, Facebook gives you 30 days for this. This is also called the grace period. It takes up to 90 days to completely delete your account.
So, should you delete your account or deactivate it?
Now you understand what happens when you delete Facebook and what happens when you deactivate it. Now let’s discuss which option is right for you.
If you are temporarily moving away from Facebook, deactivating is the right option for you. If you are not sure about your decision to leave Facebook but want to stay away for the time being, deactivating is the right option for you.
When you delete your Facebook account, all the pages and groups you created will disappear. If you have given business or admin access to someone else, those pages and groups will remain safe.
Once deleted, you have 30 days to reverse your decision. You can regain your account by clicking the ‘Cancel Deletion’ option within 30 days.
The decision to deactivate or delete your account depends on what you want. If you are not sure why you are leaving Facebook, deactivate it for now.
How do you reactivate an account after deactivation?
The act of bringing it back to its previous state after deactivating it is called ‘reactivating’. You don’t have to follow a complicated process to reactivate an account.
If you log in with your previous username and password, the account will be reactivated immediately. If you have deactivated your account and want to use Messenger, you can log in directly with your username and password on Messenger.