I am Active on Youtube after Lockdown in Nepal - Laxman Baral Blog
I am Active on Youtube after Lockdown in NepalI am Active on Youtube after Lockdown in Nepal

I am Active on Youtube after Lockdown in Nepal Later, Second’s Lockdown became. And I’ve been posting my own videos. Some videos were becoming rare. And I’ve been doing my rare things all the time. He has also done his own work by thinking. I also received a return payment from YouTube on my bank account. And I’m very happy. After he was happy, I also wanted to do my own thing. I also do my own promos. I have also done promotions on my channel as well as on my channel. You can see for yourself.

One of my videos had reached 40 Dollars and a show had started at that time and after that show started, I wanted to put videos in my channel and I was putting them in the channel. And videos were also rare. I also like to work on my own channel while making that payment. I also have my end to watch and from that end, I have done my work. I don’t feel bad after doing it myself, I don’t feel small when I do any work.

And in Lockdown, everyone lives in their own house, and according to that, I also like to do videos. Everywhere I go, I post videos, but when I post a video, I feel like doing something, but I also feel like I’m tired of doing it myself. I wonder what this guy might have done. No matter how many people do it, it is more than they think.

My lockdown was also enjoyable. I thought to myself that now I also have to work on YouTube. He also thought that it would be easier for me to post on YouTube once a day. I have published every video but there is no set time to publish. Whenever I post my videos. But people can also be distracted by their channel.

Because of Lockdown I also thought that I should be on YouTube now. It works for me too. I am also working to get better. In this work, I have learned a lot. I am doing it myself. Doing it yourself. And it seemed to me that the work I had done was also a success. I wouldn’t have done so much on YouTube. And there are a lot of people on YouTube whose videos are rare. What happens in the mind when you see others, but you don’t even think about it, you have to do it yourself.

There are still other people joining my channel. There is another one in the country because of Lockdown. Now people are coming towards Road. Now the old days may have come, I thought. But Corona has not gone. You have to wear masks. You have to wear masks even when you go out. We have suffered a lot because of Corona. The Corona people have not even gone to other people’s houses.

No matter how many people follow me, I also follow those people. Why do people here lose their videos? Losing someone else’s video is viral. If you do it yourself, it will be much easier. There was a lot of time in Lockdown for me and I don’t do it with my family, I only watch videos when I’m alone.

Nepalis are still joining YouTube. There is a lot of work to be done on YouTube. You have to do a lot of work on YouTube to do it yourself. You know everything after joining YouTube. If you want to work on YouTube, you have to do it yourself. You still support me. And with that, I’m doing a lot of work. I am Active on Youtube after Lockdown in Nepal I will be trying to be working hard to reach the level of people moment to share out there. 

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