New Open in 36 inch Vertical Bandsaw in Syangja - Laxman Baral Blog
New Open in 36 inch Vertical Bandsaw in SyangjaNew Open in 36 inch Vertical Bandsaw in Syangja

New Open in 36 inch Vertical Bandsaw in Syangja which we have fitted this machinery into the previous lockdown as the second lockdown. We have to fix the machinery body part into the ground under his land from there. For two days we have finesh the three-phase writing this mill house there. They have brought the three-phase meter into that house then the owner will be called with us there. This main machinery will be brought from the Butwal place which ower will bring ownself going from there. 

Normal mister will be working under this machine to fix this mill. Even the rest of the working they have main working mister into this furniture to running this perfect way they will be doing this thing over there. Under the image we have been testing the trailer will be that part will be ready position or not. Frist that people will be working to know this way to this check them there. 

Even the owner of the machine will be staying with us that day also too. Even the owner will be made slowly working under there. When he goes to the main  Bazar he will lose their time over there. Even there is no way to part will be finding out this place. Whole days we have been spending fitting this body part to do this thing from there. Even the people will be waiting for this mill will be opening or not. Some of the few people will be asking which day they will be made open to running this business from there. 

New Open in 36 inch Vertical Bandsaw in Syangja now this machine will be fine and working with the different furniture item will happen to see there. They will bring to make them a larger way to do this. Under this area, people will be happy to see this machine from there. 

It has to work well in the mill. It can be very riotous for people too. We also have to check ourselves. Misters also do their job. You have to work on your own. It also takes us a day to fit the parts of the mill. That’s the decent thing to do, and it should end there. I don’t think they have gone here either. Here people have to do their own work. It’s up to Mr. to decide if it’s okay or not. The driving master knows everything. People here have been running it for a very long time.

We have lost everything. At the time of running, all the people were here. They have done their job. We have also shared the video. You should also watch. You can also watch it on my channel. I have also posted a video on Laxman’s channel. If you want to do this, please let us know. We will do everything. 

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