Jawa 42 FJ Launched In India has launched its latest offering, the 42 FJ. It is based on the Pune-based brand’s latest 350 platform and here is what the bike looks like. Similar to the existing Jawa motorcycles, the 42 FJ too looks properly old-school and retro. It gets a round LED headlight, a tubular handlebar, and bar-end mirrors too. It is being offered in five paint schemes – red, brown, blue, black, and green.
Jawa 42 FJ Price in India
City | On-road Price |
Mumbai | ₹ 2,36,657 |
Bangalore | ₹ 2,53,213 |
Delhi | ₹ 2,28,691 |
Pune | ₹ 2,36,657 |
Hyderabad | ₹ 2,36,657 |
Ahmedabad | ₹ 2,24,709 |
Chennai | ₹ 2,32,674 |
Kolkata | ₹ 2,32,674 |
Chandigarh | ₹ 2,32,600 |
Powering the new Jawa 42 FJ is a 334cc, liquid-cooled, single-cylinder engine. It makes 21.45bhp and 29.62Nm and gets a six-speed gearbox. Jawa has offered the 42 FJ with telescopic front forks and dual rear shocks, while the braking hardware comprises front and rear disc brakes with dual-channel ABS.
On the feature front, along with the LED headlight, the Jawa 42 FJ is also offered with an off-set digital console. The base trim gets single-channel ABS.