9 People Including 7 From The Same Family Died In A landslide In Kaski Due to incessant rains, nine people, including seven members of the same family, died, and two people have gone missing in Kaski.
In Pokhara-Metropolitan Ward No. 12, Puranchaur, seven people of the same family were buried in a landslide and died. 47-year-old Kul Bahadur Pariyar, his wife 43-year-old Mankumari, 85-year-old mother Lakshima, daughter Prashant 15-year-old, Prabha 20-year-old, and son-in-law Asmit Pariyar, 25 years old, and Tallakot resident Radhika Pariyar were killed in the landslide on Thursday night around 10:30 p.m., Kaski Police Spokesperson and DSP Basant Kumar Sharma informed.
Similarly, 18-year-old Anita Ojha and 9-year-old Pratik Subedi died when Aarti Ojha’s house was destroyed by a landslide in Chainpur in Pokhara-32, police said. 11-year-old Anuska Ojha is missing.
Similarly, 80-year-old Maitikumari Gurung is also missing after being buried in a landslide in Madi rural municipality ward number 11. Om Bahadur Gurung was rescued safely, police said.