Why should you Pay Millions to buy a Domain Name A domain name is the backbone of your digital presence. A domain name is very important if you are looking to do business or establish yourself in your digital presence.
A domain name is the physical name of a website. Just like your physical address or phone number, no two domain names can be the same in the digital world. A domain name can also be understood as a pointer to an IP address.
The IP address ( of the domain name (such as techpana.com) that you search in the address bar of your browser is recognized by the browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc.) and leads to the corresponding web page. A domain name makes it easy for people to access your website. Therefore, it is appropriate to keep it simple and easy to remember.
Why should I pay for a domain name?
You have to pay a fee if you have to get a domain name with a class extension (.com,.org,.net, etc.). In Nepal, the dotnp (.np) extension is available for free. However, for that, official documents and official procedures have to be adopted.
Some websites have arrangements to provide subdomains. Such domains can be obtained for free. For example, users do not have to pay any fees to get the xyz.wordpress.com domain.
The year 1995 marked an important turning point in the history of domain names. Because this was the year when domain name registration began to move towards a more regulated business model. Before this, individuals and organizations could essentially choose any domain name and pay no fees for it.
The introduction of domain registration fees was a major factor in shaping domain names. This helped in collecting funds for the infrastructure needed to manage and maintain the domain name system. With the advent of the fee-based system, the trend of taking domain names for free and selling them at a profit also decreased.
Infrastructure and maintenance costs
Technical infrastructure needs to be created to register and manage domain names. In particular, there is a fee to renew the infrastructure of the network that manages the server, database, and registration process. The money collected by domain registration is spent on technical infrastructure improvement and management.
Administrative expenses
There are many processes involved in domain name registration and management. In particular, the verification of the person or organization seeking to register, the resolution of disputes, and the management of the overall system have to be done. In this case, the amount collected while registering the domain is used.
Ensuring the security and stability of DNS is very important to creating an environment in which noun names can work smoothly on the Internet. Fees collected from domain registration help to find and properly implement security measures.
Prevent abuse
Setting a fee for domain registration helps prevent domain squatting and misuse. Domain squatting is the act of registering a domain name to sell it for profit or prevent others from using it.
When there is a fee-paying system, the user is more likely to use the plan with which he has taken the domain.
Encourage responsible use
Enforcing registration fees encourages the responsible use of domain names. When individuals or organizations make a financial investment in a domain, they are more likely to use it for legitimate purposes. Especially free or easily disposable domains are used more in scams, fraud, and phishing.
What is a premium domain? Why do not all domains have the same price?
A premium domain is a domain that has already been registered by someone else. And, later, it may have been used, not brought, or kept for sale. Today, more than 80 million dotcom domains have been registered worldwide. This means that finding a domain name that sounds familiar to you has become very difficult.
Not all domains are priced the same. However, the registrar company that registers the domain name takes a commission. Therefore, it cannot be said that the price of the domain name is the same. Some have given the same domain cheaply, and some have given it expensively. However, you don’t have to pay that much for a domain name that has not been registered before.
So people register domains for a limited time based on their needs and financial situation.
After the domain expires, it is available for anyone to register. Yes, in this way, when it is available for anyone to use, it can be purchased cheaply after someone has already registered the domain.