Why You Didn’t Like AGM Web Hosting in Nepal Because of some effects under the plan and package under this hosting company in Nepal. I was there before 4 years ago, and I saw the same price available there. After 4 years, I also found the same price under this hosting plan at AGM Web Hosting.
But I like the service under this customer support plan for getting in touch with customers, but some of the prices are the same under the Web Hosting plan in Nepal. Since I registered the domain name under this AGM Web Hosting Side, I shifted it to Himalaya Host Pvt. Ltd where I got a good available price for a yearly plan of hosting.
My domain registration was recorded under AGM Web Hosting, but the hosting server will run under another Web Hosting Company. Firstly, I was registered under the AGM Web Hosting and with a Hosting plan of Rs 999 Per year, but I haven’t checked storage limit under package to check there.
While updating the plugin and any updates from the WordPress side, the storage might be full there, so I found another Web Hosting company with a good price to see there. I have been watching the YouTube video about hosting plans and prices in Nepal. I found a Himalaya Host Web Hosting company in Nepal. All plans and prices were good to buy annually.
All domains and hosting plans were transferred from AGM Web Hosting to Himalaya Host Pvt Ltd and I will raise the process with your live chat teams to transfer all those things from your server. Both hosting companies will agree to transfer my domain name and hosting plan to the new hosting plan.
Most people will be like the AGM Web Hosting in Nepal to be able to plan and domain registration from there, but I will be recommending that if you need to see plan package storage and a yearly plan to be paid, then you need to be able to buy it.
But I like Himalaya Host to choose the domain registration and Web Hosting plan from there. Since more than 4 years, I have been working to pay for and package the plan to upgrade there. Once you’ve determined how much difference there is between the yearly plan and package, leave a comment below.
I hope you will understand why you didn’t like choosing the AGM Web Hosting Plan in Nepal in 2023. This is my experience and performance of the fields to visit under this web hosting plan from Nepal. Some of the features of the hosting were good to see on the AGM Web Hosting side. Rest assured, all of the parts were good at Himalayan Host Web Hosting in Nepal.
Some users will compare two hosting companies in Nepal. How much different it is, you can also feel it out and check out the price and offer to see there. For new users, they don’t know what hosting is or what domain registration will work on it. Both domains and hosting will work on the server base to connect to the internet.
If you were confused by this blog post, Let me know in the comment box or if you need an email with me, which part did you confuse on it.