Good Morning BhatuliChaur Pokhara - Laxman Baral Blog
Good Morning BhatuliChaur PokharaGood Morning BhatuliChaur Pokhara

Good Morning BhatuliChaur Pokhara at 8:00 am we had been arriving this place further moring time there. Even in the morning time, he will be called with us to visiting into there. When that person will be calling with us we will be immediately reaching out to this place doing work there.

For a long time, we have been sending over there. This is also our old customer who will be calling us to make a fixed a problem there. Even he will be happy to see while working out to fix and solve his problem in the mill House there.

Today morning time lot of people will be seen over there. While machinery got a problem lot of people will come there. What happen to your mill House what problem did you face out there. All people will be said like this thing with the owner of the mill House person there.

He will be a little bit confused about how he will be replying to the answer those people it will be fixed within an hour or evening time you might be coming here. Otherwise there is no problem to solve it yet. Sometimes we had been lot working outside place from Pokhara valley side.

Even the hand will be made black and unable to make a shot an image and video over to upload to give information to you there. Even the BhatuliChaur is a famous place on the Pokhara side which the people will move under the Mahendra cave were nearest to see there. 

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