My This Year Dashain 2079 - Celebrate With Family in Dashain - Laxman Baral Blog
My This Year Dashain 2079 - Celebrate With Family in DashainMy This Year Dashain 2079 - Celebrate With Family in Dashain

My This Year Dashain 2079 – Celebrate With Family in Dashain it will be held on October 5, 2022, and the main Tika will be held on this day. Since this is the most important which the grandparents will blessed with their family members and relatives person to give them.

On this day there was rainfall that will happen to continue fall, We are unable to move from the outside place to see there. Even we had been celebrating our family members taking Tika from our father and mother over there.

Even the sister will come into the home but she didn’t take a Tika because there is some reason she didn’t put a Tika into their hand there. But she will come under her own son’s problems and health happens issues to come into her own home back there. After his son will be well from the medicine he will be fine after another day.

During the time of Tika’s putting, I made a video clip which I will be made to upload to my channel to share over there. Next time I will upload this video to my channel to see it there. Even I will be sharing into own Facebook page and YouTube channel only there.

After we have been back from the India tour we have been blessed to take a Tika from her home town back in Nepal. After 19 days, of a long holiday tour in India, we had a lot of things happen to face out there.

I think your Dashain will be a great and nice one while under the family member to share over there. Even I cannot go own relative person to put a Tika from there. Due to heavy rainfall will happen to see there. The whole day we have to stay own home to take meat over there.

We have enjoyed our home while under the Dashain’s time there. Every year it will be fine and a way to enjoy n family group there. I will mention it to all my friends and family to keep trying to make a happy family and give happiness to other people over there.

I see that most people will share images and video clips over putting Tika’s own parents’ side with make from selfie camera own mobile device. But I cannot upload any images to my account there. I just sharing only the video clips over there.

Most of the people will be wearing new clothes to shows as fashion shows will begin over there. But I didn’t like that I will be like those who own clothes and that happiness will happen to me there. I will be taking only blessings from my mother and father’s side, not a monetary purpose to take Tika to Dashain.


Most people will be looking for the money that a person will give me less and that another person will give me much more money to me. Don’t compare the money with here and there person over in Dashain time.

You need to be happy yourself and keep enjoying your friends in the Dashain time. I hope you will be sharing some clips with your family and keep enjoying rocking this year Dashain 2079.

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