My New Year 2079 Darshan in Muktinath - Laxman Baral Blog
My New Year 2079 Darshan in MuktinathMy New Year 2079 Darshan in Muktinath

My New Year 2079 Darshan in Muktinath is a fresh and fun travel blog that will take you through the travel and experiences of regular trekkers. They share their experiences, photos and videos, food recommendations, and many more. The blog is mainly focused on Manang, Muktinath, and Mustang. 

Darshan in Muktinath is one of the most sacred and important pilgrimages for Hindu devotees. Thousands of devotees visit Muktinath every year. This is an article that highlights the importance of this pilgrimage and how it is done.

Darshan is an integral part of religious practices. But more often than not, it is a mere formality. An idol or statue is present in a place of worship and people go to a place, they pay their respects, they make their offerings and they leave, without really enriching their souls.

I had a lot of fun going to that place. I loved that place. And we got up in the morning and went to that place. People still went to that place. People go to that place for their walks. You may even take your personal belongings with you. I also have a lot of fun in that place. When I visited that temple, I was very happy.

I was very happy to visit this place in the new year. Because of that happiness, I have even thought about what will happen to me today. Maybe the things I have in mind will come true. Many Nepalis and Indians were seen in this place. And there were some tourists, like many Nepalis and Indians. Everyone was sitting on their lanes to collect for the people inside the temple.

There are 108 streams in that temple. The temple has many better services than before. If you still have a problem, you can report it to Police. On this day, people go and meet people. It will be better in the coming days. Everything will be completed on the day I think. All that I have said will come true. For that to happen I have to do my own thing.

I have asked for a temple, now you have to support me in the work I have done. I wish I could do things I didn’t know. I had a lot of fun in that place. When we left in the morning, we were relieved. Why people were less. And the way to the temple was very steep.

Even temples around were good to clean even though they had been making some of the material to happen to see there. Still, the temple were too famous worldwide also oo. Even New Year 2079 is the happy moment in my life when I have been moved into the father’s working time over there. 

In the year 2079, I visited Muktinath again. I had forgotten how nice it was. The air was crisp, the snow was tinged with the red of the setting sun, the clouds were swirling, and the mountains were still as imposing. I stood on the same spot where I had stood a century before. I could see the same peaks, the same temple, and the same priest as I had seen back then. I felt a sense of peace. My mind was clear, and I didn’t feel tense.

The time passed quickly, and it was time to go back. One of the other pilgrims asked me to tell them what I had seen, and I obliged. I told them of the mountains and the temple. I told them of the priest and the faith we had shared. Finally, I told them that I was going to leave. I was going to leave the place I had come to love, and I was going to go back to my life of constant travel.

After a long journey, we arrived in Muktinath on the first day of the New Year. It was cold but beautiful. We had a nice time there. On the second day, after worshiping at the temple, I decided to visit the local school. While I was there, I was asked to speak to the students. I was a bit shy, but I agreed. The kids were so nice to me, and they listened to me attentively. I hope they will help make Nepal a better place.


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