I Visit Grandfather in Naudanda he always loved me and even from time to time he will be calling to me while what happens to your family and other people to do there. Even each and every time we have been meeting with him. Since yesterday we have also been meeting with them to meet them. Since we have been worked into the place of Lumle. Since the morning time, we have been arrived under this place to go there.
Even we have been taking some material of the electronic part to bring from Bhanu Machinery at 9 a.m. Then we have been moving under this place go there. Since the people will be roaming here and there side there. Even the people will take some of the time to stay to wait for this one. Even half an hour we arrived under this place there.
Since the father will make ride a scooter from Hemja to Lumle place. Even I will be trying to make them perfect one while riding the scooter in Highway place. Since most the People will make confused while which part I will make control to handle the scooter ride to move on there. Since back part, I stayed over to take this ride to make teach with them.
Since the morning time, it will feel much cooler will happen to see there. Even the eye will be a pain to coming from water over there. Even grandfather will be coming into the highway side there. My father and grandfather will be talking sometime. Then I will be making some talk with them.
I Visit Grandfather in Naudanda while we have to move to that place we had been called by grandfather over there. Even he will be made happy to see there. Even he will be made happy with us there. Even he will make old man so that why I will make support with them.
Even on the photo side, you must see a blue jacket wearing the grandfather there. Sidebar is my father there. Sometimes we need to make some work happen to take over there. In some cases, we had to meet with them over there. Sometimes he will make calls with me also too. Even he will be meeting after a long time to see. Some of suggested and feedback will be taken with me and also too.