Best Earn Money Platform in Nepal 2021 is the way of earn money online which both of them using the mobile apps and Pc version they can able to use this one. Youtube is the platform the best way of earning money from Google Adsense. Tiktok is also earning money from Mobile Apps. Even the millions of people will be joining it out his both platforms to get registered into there.
Under the case of Nepal side, some of the YouTubers and Tiktoker will be earning money from daily wise to save them esaily to use them. Even a lot of people will make join this part to take earn money from there. Mostly the people will be using this platform to running for a longer time to spend there. Some the people will be make failed to use getting successful to reach them to know.
How much earn money from YouTube?
It will depend on using your content basis story which you have to share a related topic to choose to give content to mention into your channel. It will be base on the view and ads running into their channel feature to get this. We cannot be explained anymore under the YouTube channel earn. Once a month they have been sending us into a bank account. They can be connected with the Google Adsense account to create before there. They will be need monetization into their channel to earn money from YouTube.
How much earn money from Tiktok?
It base upon your daily life basis and gifts from others to collect them and they have been collected their live shows with 1000 followers into their account. After the 10k followers then you should be made enable to getting earn money from Tiktok. Simple they have to Use their Mobile Apps feature to doing their different type of video and some of the interesting things will be talked into the Live to show the gift with them there. Daily they have been collected the amount of money into their account in a bank. Unlimited earn money from Tiktok.
Which one is the best platform to use YouTube and Tiktok?
It depends upon your choose view comment which you are interested to use this one. Even they have been using this platform from the mobile device phone to get this one. Mostly the people will be going on Tiktok to a huge amount of users will be joining out there. But YouTube have also millions of users who have to use this one. Both companies will be a high level of completion over them. I will be recommending using you. might be using a YouTube channel and make earn money from YouTube. Under the Tiktok user, they have left this earth as well we listen. Some accidents will be happening in our country.
Best Earn Money Platform in Nepal 2021 hope you will make understand under this which is best and good for using their life to getting their fans to collect them to know this one. Even there is a lot of people who will make confuse about this one. You will be getting a clear way to understood well for it. Even they are trying to make them a level base to give them people use satisfaction under this Platform to earn money from Nepal.
Even I have been using both platforms but mostly I have been using a YouTube channel to run their channel base to grow them to know how I can learn from this way to know. Even they don’t know this thing know this. Even I want to know all Nepali People will be following this step to know them.