Lot of Digital payments were Update in Nepal in 2021 it was established in 2009 A. D. first time ever they have founded an online payment system in Nepal. Over a 12 years ago past we have found out the platform we’re increased day by day to update there. There is a lot of digital payment that will be have been updated there. Even I cannot anymore under that payment system from the online source to update. F1t Soft is the software we’re making the launch their Apps in Android and iOs device mobile.
Now, 2021 we had been seen to update this feature available into the device mobile phone to check into there. Even they have able been confused which one is the best platform to esaily payment partner into the different sector to get paid there. Even they have been announcing digital payment in Nepal. They have been making QR Scan service will be given by the Government with the different company they can do this.
I found that a new digital platform that is launching in Nepal needs a license certificate to run their company to update there. It seems they aren’t updating a license certificate to run their businesses purposes to use. But they are trying to make an esaily way to getting paid as national level whose people will be able to do this.
Even we are hearing to know as an international payment system in Nepal. As the government of Nepal, they have made the rule towards the digital payment in Nepal then the people will get esaily to runs their working business from there. A lot of people will face out this problem to know this one. They have slow compared with the government to make this Platform in Nepal.
Still, people needed to be confused about which platform can I use and which is the best to get offers and cashback while making transactions into their accounts to runs there. People will need to make cashback and rewards point to getting different prices given by the company. Even the user will be making upgrades into their user increase there. But I am happy with those old user digital payment system in Nepal but they new one it’s unable to make give trust to customers to getting satisfied with them.
Lot of Digital Payment was Update in Nepal 2021 they are trying to make improvements to added more things that happen under their source do there. They have can be run their program and offer given the user to get this. Hope they aren’t confused goes on new platforms update on social media and other purposes they can promote there.