Disk Mill working on Rice Mill in Bagmara - Laxman Baral Blog
Disk Mill working on Rice Mill in Bagmara

Disk Mill working on Rice Mill in Bagmara

Disk Mill working on Rice Mill in Bagmara at evening time on 1pm which we moving from the place of the home side to reach that place moving with a scooter from the highway of Prithvi highway. I have slowly drive a scooter while on the highway side there. Since the people will be waiting for us there. Even the people will be staying into the sun with talking with own languages. That person also is calling me there via phone call also there. Even he has to wait with us there. 

The work of this disc mill was small. And it took a long time. And first of all, people have an opinion on tricks. And others have also opened it. This work may not be in the hands of Saeed. It needs people to work with. Don’t even touch the person’s hand for a moment. The hands of ignorant people are not good even in the deeds done. But we have gone and worked. We also have to do this while working.

Today I have gone to this place but even after working people have easily given us money. We also have to suffer while working. Things are done to hurt. Yomi has worked with full openness. There is no time to open it. It was also very difficult to connect after opening. You have to look at everything yourself, even after losing yourself, it becomes easy.

It’s a lot of fun to work in this place. It is better to pay easily after work. The days will never be better with the time spent giving. But the work we have done has been good. It takes a lot of work to get people to work, but it’s also good for a lot of people to go. We didn’t even know the time was gone.

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